Friday, November 30, 2007

A summation

Yes, I was home. Now, I am back in Paris. It was not part of the plan but being home was a nice reprieve and I am glad that I made the trip - for many reasons.

Coming back after a short stay at home has been interesting. It no longer feels scary or foreign. I am no longer intimidated by having to speak French. I go boldly. I had a fascinating conversation last night with a Parisian who did not speak a word of English about the race riots, French identity, and the recent strikes - topics I would not have thought myself capable of covering. And trust me, we weren't dancing lightly over them. I went out wandering today - and realized after a few blocks that I had not brought any of my trusted safety lines - my French-English dictionary, my map of Paris, or my guidebook. I suppose I don't really need them as much anymore. I suppose I really am becoming more of une vrai Parisienne.

My plans have changed once again to do yet another one of those fateful, unpredictable occurrences. I am now leaving Paris on Sunday - in about 36 hours. Life is unpredictable so we might as well be able to adjust.

I am going on a driving eurotrip with Alex, an Australian that I met in Bordeaux. For those of you who have seen the movie: yes I was inspired, no I do not want to end up in Eastern Europe with no money. We are leaving on Sunday to stay one night in Strasbourg (hopefully with a stop in Reims to see the cathedral there). Monday we are on to Frankfurt for one night. Then we make our way across Germany to stay three days in Berlin. Then another three (or four) day stay in Amsterdam, followed by one or two days in Brussels. Finally, I will return to Paris for one night before - two weeks from today - I catch my flight home. It will be a wild ride and I am excited.